floor tiles image outdoor tiles Bathroom Tiles

Vivid Sydney Inspired Tile Home Decor:
What would it look like?

Vivid Sydney is back and the entire Sydney is grappled or enchanted by this amazing spectacle of light shows, music, food and people. Like every year, Vivid Sydney 2024 promises more creativity, an explosion of ideas in the form of light shows, drone shows and the wonderful ambience created by Music.

Of course, the showstopper as every year is the iconic Sydney Opera House which transforms into the best canvas during the Vivid Sydney capturing imagination, colours, creativity and luminescence.

While the whole of Sydney is drawn to this marvelous festival of light and creativity, our editorial team at Royal Tiles also came up with an interesting idea to portray this theme in home decor with tiles.

So what would a Vivid Sydney Inspired Tile Design Look like? Let’s unlock our creative sides as well.

vivid sydney operahouse

Vivid Sydney Inspired Tile Design: Our Ideas

Vivid Sydney is a festival of lights, creativity and colours. Hence, a Vivid Sydney inspired tile design would be a colourful one, lots of it. So, the tiles would have to be colourful and vibrant. 

For this, the tiles would have to be extremely colourful and funky without any limits. So, our pick would be:

Colourful Mosaic Tiles:

Yes, to match the spectacular vibrance, luminescence and explosion of creativity, colourful Mosaic Tiles would be the ideal candidate as per our experts.

The formula would be simple, go overboard with the use of colours and make sure creativity has no bounds.

Decorative Tiles:

To meet the level of artistic extravagance of the Vivid Sydney festival, decorative tiles would be a great choice as well. Tiling your floors with a spectacular array of colourful patterns and designs would definitely give an interesting look.

vivid decorative tiles

Random ColoursTile Patterns:

Like the creative artists dashing out their imagination at the Vivid Sydney Festival, we would have to go with the random colours tile pattern design as well to match their level.

Creating a vibrant space inspired by an overwhelming specter of hues would help you achieve that unique creative look.


So, this way our small take on bringing the Vivid Sydney inspired look right to your homes. If you are someone who doesn’t mind a bit of a funk, then these tiles would definitely help bring that colourful look to your space.

We hope you enjoyed this short and fun article. At Royal Tiles, we celebrate expression of creativity, imagination and design ideas through tiles as well. The place you live can also be a work of art with the selection of right tiles and design ideas.

Contact Royal Tiles Today or visit our tile showroom in Auburn Sydney to get the most diverse range of tiles created by master craftsmen and artisans around the globe. 

Bring art in the form of tiles right to your homes!